
How South Asian Central is Revolutionizing Retail for South Asian Businesses

In the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape, platforms that cater to niche markets are not just surviving—they’re thriving. South Asian Central, one of the fastest-growing eCommerce platforms in the USA and Canada…

Why Do We Pick Eggs on Easter?

Easter is a time of renewal, celebration, and tradition. Among the most beloved customs is the picking and decorating of Easter eggs.

Celebrating Connections and Voices at the ProInfluencer Launch- Feb 11, 2024

South Asian Central was honored to support the ProInfluencer launch event, marking a day of vibrant discussions, networking, and community-building.

Empowering South Asia as the Global Provider of Young Workforce

The demographic dividend that South Asia possesses, characterized by a young and growing population, presents a unique opportunity for the region to become a primary supplier of skilled labor to the world.

Trailblazing Indians Shaping the Tech World

In an era driven by technological innovation, Indians have been at the forefront of revolutionizing the tech landscape, both in their homeland and across the globe.

Strategies for Growing South Asian Businesses in North America

The North American market presents a plethora of opportunities for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Cellurific and South Asian Central Join Forces to Offer Competitive Mobile Phone Plans in Canada

June 13, Mississauga, Cellurific, a master distributor of Lucky Mobile, has partnered with South Asian Central, Canada’s premier community-based marketplace, to provide the most competitive mobile phone plans in the country.

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